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Deploy to Polygon


  • Let’s wrap this example up by deploying our new contract to Polygon

  • First, we need to switch to the Polygon network using the Polygon button in the header menu

  • Now that our code is modified, saved, and we’re on the correct network we want to deploy to, open the ARC Reactor compiler

  • This will open the ARC Compiler in a new window

  • We’re using Remix IDE with a custom ARC Reactor console and so everything should feel very familiar for Remix users

  • The ARC Compiler will generate a new workspace for your project and may add some basic boilerplate files

  • For this example, we need to start by clearing all current folders and files

  • After that, import the new contract code from the generated GitHub repository

  • For now, we’ll have to import each file individually but a bulk import feature is coming soon

  • You will notice that the compiler automatically generates folders for required files. As we import the interface contracts, for instance, they automatically get added to a folder called interfaces

  • Once we’ve added all contracts (taking extra care to not miss anything) we’re ready to start the deployment

  • Now the exciting bit! We will first select our environment, in this case, it’s injected Web3

  • Set a gas limit. For this example, we’ll leave it as a default

  • For the contract to deploy, select the Masterchef contract

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