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Contract Definition


Base Contract

The contract from which other contracts inherit features

Sub Node

State Variable Declaration

State variables of contracts are stored in storage in a compact way such that multiple values sometimes use the same storage slot

  1. Variables:

    • StateVariableDeclarationVariable:

      state or local variable type needs to be specified during declaration. Each declared variable always have a default value based on its type.

  2. Initial Values:

    • Expression:

      A statement (comprising multiple operands and optionally zero or more operators) that results in a single value, object, or function. The operand can be a literal, variable, function invocation, or another expression itself.

Using for Declaration

Declaration to inherit any existing

  • TypeName: inherited type name of a contract
  • Library Name: inherited library name of a contract

Struct Definition

Allows you to create more complicated data types that have multiple properties

  • Name: name of the properties
  • Members: members of related properties

Modifier Definition

A function modifier is a compile-time source code roll-up. It can be used to amend the semantics of functions in a declarative way. From this definition, we can understand that a modifier aims to change the behaviour of the function to which it is attached, including:

  • Name: Name of the modifier

  • Parameters: Parameters of the modifier:

    • Variable Declaration:

      parameters variable declared as a default vale

  • Body (Activity Diagram):

    • Block:

      Block of code and related with the activity diagram

    • Statements:

      multiple lines of instructions inside activity diagram

    • Statement:

      Single instruction inside activity diagram, it might have the form of

      • IfStatement:

        The schema described within the If clause is evaluated against the logic inside activity diagram

      • Block:

        Block inside schema described and evaluated inside activity diagram

      • WhileStatement:

        While block inside schema described and evaluated inside activity diagram

      • ForStatement:

        For block inside schema described and evaluated inside activity diagram.

      • InlineAssemblyStatement:

        Inline assembly block inside schema described and evaluated inside activity diagram

      • DoWhileStatement:

        Do-While block inside schema described and evaluated inside activity diagram

      • ContinueStatement:

        Continue block inside schema described and evaluated inside activity diagram

      • BreakStatement:

        Break block inside schema described and evaluated inside activity diagram

      • ReturnStatement:

        Return value block inside schema described and evaluated inside activity diagram

      • EmitStatement:

        Emit block inside schema described and evaluated inside activity diagram

      • ThrowStatement:

        Throw block inside schema described and evaluated inside activity diagram

      • SimpleStatement:

        • VariableDeclarationStateme:

          Variable declaration block inside schema described and evaluated inside activity diagram

        • ExpressionStatement:

          Expression block inside schema described and evaluated inside activity diagram

      • UncheckedStatement:

        Unchecked block inside schema described and evaluated inside activity diagram

  • isVirtual:

    The function in the parent contract needs to be declared with the keyword virtual to indicate that it can be overridden in the deriving contract.

  • Override:

    Change how a function in the parent contract is implemented in the derived class

    • UserDefinedTypeName:

      Custom defined type name for the override function

  • Function Definition:

    • Name:

      Name of a given function

    • isConstructor:

      A special function declared using constructor keyword. It is an optional funtion and is used to initialize state variables of a contract

    • isReceiveEther:

      In order to receive ethers in Solidity (or any other native coin in any EVM blockchain), we need to create a receive() function with the payable modifier

    • isVirtual:

      The function in the parent contract needs to be declared with the keyword virtual to indicate that it can be overridden in the deriving contract

    • isFallBack:

      An external function with neither a name, parameters, or return values. It is executed in one of the following cases: If a function identifier doesn't match any of the available functions in a smart contract. If there was no data supplied along with the function call.

    • Body (Activity Diagram):

      Block of code and related with the activity diagram

      • Parameters:

        • Variable Declaration:

          • isIndexed:

            only relevant to logged events. From Contracts - Events: Up to three parameters can receive the attribute indexed which will cause the respective arguments to be searched for: It is possible to filter for specific values of indexed arguments in the user interface

          • isStateVar:

            Values of these variables are permanently stored in the contract storage.

          • TypeName:

            Type of declared variable

            • Elementary TypeName:

              Basic type for solidity

            • UserDefinedTypeName:

              Custom type for solidity

            • Mapping:

              Reference (in a way where it works as a hash table) type as arrays and structs.

            • ArrayTypeName:

              data structure, which stores a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same type

            • FunctionTypeName:

              the types of functions. Variables of function type can be assigned from functions and function parameters of function type can be used to pass functions to and return functions from function calls

          • StorageLocation:

            • Storage:

              database data stored in a blockchain node file system. It is persistent and has access to multiple executions of the same contract

            • Memory:

              to store data for the execution of a contract. It holds functions argument data and is wiped after execution

          • Name:

            Name of the variable

      • returnParameters:

        functions that return parameter list and are not taken for overlad resolution.

      • Modifiers:

        modify the behaviour of a function

        • Modifier Invocation:

          • Name:

            name of the invoked modifier

          • Arguments:

            arguments of the modifier

      • Visibility:

        Control who has access to the functions and state variables in your contract and how they interact with them

        • External:

          can only be called from a third party. It cannot be called from the main contract itself or any contracts derived from it

          • Internal:

            can be called by the main contract itself, plus any derived contracts

          • Public:

            can be called from all potential parties. Unless otherwise specified, all functions are made public by default

          • Private:

            can only be called by the main contract itself. Although it’s not the default, it is generally good practice to keep your functions private unless a scope with more visibility is needed

      • StateMutability:

        defines the behaviour of functions and how they interact with data stored on the blockchain

        • Pure:

          function that doesn't read or modify the variables of the state

        • Constant:

          have their values assigned at compile time and will not allow for any modifications at runtime

        • Payable:

          ensures that the function can send and receive Ether

        • View:

          only reads but doesn't alter the state variables defined in the contract

      • Override:

        lets developers change how a function in the parent contract is implemented in the derived class.

        • UserDefinedTypeName:

          Name of the defined type

  • Event Definition:

    an inheritable member of a contract. An event is emitted, it stores the arguments passed in transaction logs. These logs are stored on blockchain and are accessible using address of the contract till the contract is present on the blockchain

    • Name:

      Name of the event

    • Parameters:

      Parameters of the event

    • Variable Declaration:

      variable for the event

    • isAnonymous:

      events can only be filtered through contract address

  • Enum Definition:

    user-defined data types that restrict the variable to have only one of the predefined values.

    • Name:

      Name of the enum

    • Members:

      value of the enum

      • Enum Value

        • Name:

          name of the values in enum


Function signatures without the function definition implementation


A different type of smart contract that contains reusable code. Once deployed on the blockchain (only once), it is assigned a specific address and its properties / methods can be reused many times by other contracts in the Ethereum network


Contains at least one function without any implementation. Such a contract is used as a base contract


Import other Solidity files and we can access its code within the current Solidity file and code